Better Life Press was started by Lester and Maryann Sauvage in 1992 after Lester R. Sauvage, MD retired. It was a way to continue Dr. Sauvage’s healing presence, without the rigors of the 20 hour-a-day, 6 days-a-week surgical and research schedule demanded from this world-renowned cardiovascular surgeon and researcher.
In retirement Dr. Sauvage realized he had the time to devote himself and his writing toward topics that would be of value to the general public, since all of his previous writings had been available only to those in the medical field.
His first book published through Better Life Press (BLP) was The Open Heart, a selection of healing success stories about a small number patients taken from the thousands of patients Dr. Sauvage treated who had benefited from, and subsequently embraced, his unique blend of medical skill combined with whole-hearted faith and conscious choice. Told from the patient’s point of view with additional reflections from Dr. Sauvage’s point of view, The Open Heart earned the endorsements of C. Everett Koop, MD (former Surgeon General of the United States) and Mother Teresa of Calcutta (now St. Teresa). Encouraged by this success, Dr. Sauvage went on to write more books that were very well-received and endorsed.
Following his death in June 2015, his co-author for his final book, Opening Hearts: A Cardiovascular Surgeon Reflects on Faith, Healing, Love & the Meaning of Life, Barbara Mulvey Little (who is also an experienced editor) took over the operations of Better Life Press with the blessing of the very large and very loving Sauvage family. Barbara is slowly expanding BLPs list to include books with an emphasis on healing (spiritual, physical, or emotional), faith, love, and meaning.
In this way, Ms. Mulvey-Little hopes to keep alive Dr. Sauvage’s healing legacy not only with his works but with other works that reflect his spirit of love and healing and that fall within Dr. Sauvage’s intent of publishing “books for a better life and a better world.”
If you have a manuscript that you believe fits with BLP‘s intent and vision, please send an email of inquiry to Barbara “AT” BMLbooks “.” com” with a story synopsis (for fiction) and a synopsis and table of contents (for non-fiction).